Brum Brum Rally

About the game

Brum Brum Rally is a 2D racing game with a new track each time you play and support for up to 8 players.

The cars can be controlled using keyboard, mouse or game controllers. The tracks are autogenerated on the fly which means you never have to be bored playing the same tracks over and over again.

There are three game modes to choose from:

Single Race and Tournament can be played against the computer or with other human players, on the same computer or over the network (LAN or Internet).

The Time Trial mode on the other hand is played by one player at a time. The task is to finish the race as fast as possible in order to beat your own best time or end up on the overall top list.

Brum Brum Rally is known to run on Linux and Windows, but can probably be compiled to run on other UNIX-like operating systems as well.

This website is available in both English and Swedish but the game itself is only available in English.

Brum Brum Rally is free software. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU GPL.